PDGA Rating Calculator

This is a calculator where you can calculate your PDGA rating by providing your round scores or by using your PDGA number.

Calculated Rating 0
Average Rating 0
Standard Deviation * 2.5 0
Included Rounds Count 0
Name Date Rating

How it Works

All the calculations are based of PDGA's Rating System Guide. Due to there not being an exact description of how the PDGA Rating is calculated, this calculator will only be an approximation.

A round can either be normal or have one of three colors which represents the following:

  • Blue means that the round is double weighted
  • Red means that the round is older than 1 year and after the next PDGA rating update it might not be included
  • Yellow means that the round is below 2.5 standard deviations or 100 rating points and will therefore not be included in the calculation